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Post's nameMar 27, 2025
Post's nameMar 27, 2025
Post's nameMar 27, 2025
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1st Year!
A year ago this weekend I opened up my studio! I can’t believe how fast this year has gone and even better, how well it’s gone! The year started off with throwing everything into the studio and try and get some work made whilst trying to finish my course at Bradford College. I got there […]
My Weaving Studio is Open
After 2 van trips, a lot of sorting out, and emptying of my front room at home, I am now well and truly settled into my new studio and I’m just so happy it’s all happened. This is the back studio where I’ll be weaving and teaching my weaving and spinning classes. The space is […]
It's happening!
It’s been a very busy couple of weeks, but finally everything is coming together. My college work is starting to literally take shape. I’m designing a woven three-dimensional rock pool, complete with seaweed and shells. Getting the actual shape is proving to be quite a technical challenge, involving me having to tension the cloth by […]