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Post's nameMar 27, 2025
Post's nameMar 27, 2025
Post's nameMar 27, 2025
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Scrunchy Clouds
Hello again and many apologies for the long gap between blog posts.
Things have been rather busy at Weft Blown HQ with getting ready for Christmas fairs, being ill, and getting inspired by weather.
Sunsets and Showers – Scarves and Cowls
There’s been a lot of weaving going on and thankfully a lot of restful holiday fun too. The good news is that the Sunsets and Showers Collection is now ready and available to drift off to new homes. As you may remember the inspiration of the collection came from my winter walks along the beach and […]
Sunsets and Showers – Inspiration
Even though the warmer Summer weather is trying to reach West Kilbride, my head is firmly stuck in the cold and wet wintry showers and the stunning sunsets from earlier this year as I am designing and weaving my new collection. As you might have gathered if you follow me on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter I […]