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Post's nameMar 27, 2025
Post's nameMar 27, 2025
Post's nameMar 27, 2025
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A Meteorological Weaving Journey
Hello everyone and welcome back to the Weft Blown Blog and hello to all of you who have discovered Weft Blown over the past few months.
This blog has been in hibernation over the past few months as we've been so busy keeping up with day-to-day running of Weft Blown that we've not had time to post.
However, things are now settled down now with my husband Rob jumping onto Team Weft Blown full-time and this blog can be brought back to life.
So, I thought it'd be good to use this blog mainly for my handwoven textiles and the process behind weaving them and starting with where my inspiration comes from.
Being a student
I’m back at Bradford College for a whole week to carry on with my second year of HNC Contemporary Constructed Textiles. This time we’ve got our own study space, so it feels like we’re proper students with our own wee areas to cover in ideas, inspiration and artwork. Here’s my highly organised space. I seem […]