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Post's nameMar 27, 2025
Post's nameMar 27, 2025
Post's nameMar 27, 2025
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It’s done!
Well, I did it. I finally got my final collection for college completed and set-up for the end of year show. For once, I actually nearly managed to do the time management thing and only had a couple of things to do when I got to college. Of course, those things take ages to do. […]
Breezing along
I’ve pretty much been attached to my loom for the past couple of weeks. Thankfully, this does mean that my college work has been coming along well and I’m still on track time wise for getting things done. Those that know me know that this is a very rare thing for me as I’m usually […]
Head in the clouds
It could easily be said that my head has always been in the clouds. From my constant daydreaming whilst growing up, to then actually being able to study and work on atmospheric stuff when I got older. Now my head is returning to the clouds for my final project at college. My inspiration is from […]